Never Have I Ever--Writer's Edition

There are probably better ways to kick start a blog than posting three tags in one week, but...This is what we're doing, I guess. Let's dive in!

This tag was created by Bree @ The Long Voyage. There are rules, but as I wasn't tagged for this and I am new to blogging, I won't be following any of them except "answer the questions truthfully and honestly".

Never Have I Ever...

 ...started a novel I didn't finish.

I have done this. Many times. There's the story with a girl world hopping to find a medicine for her mother and multiple drafts of Dancing Masquerade and another set of drafts for HOURGLASS and then there's a whole mess of drafts that never left the outlining stage.

...written a story completely by hand.

 They were all low word counts (no novels), but I have done this many times!

...changed tenses midway through the story.

 POV and tense at the same time on purpose three or four times, and one or the other on accident quite a few times.

...not researched anything before starting a story.

 I probably should research before I write, but where's the fun of having a fully researched and accurate novel on the first try? *cries* I research name meanings. Does that count?

...changed my protagonist's name halfway through a draft.

 I don't think I've ever changed the protagonist's name while writing, but I have changed a prominent supporting character's name at pretty much the end of the story, so does that count?

...written a story in a month or less.

My Google Docs version history says I have, but I have no memory of this. Supposedly I wrote a 67k draft of HOURGLASS in addition to an 18k novella (total of 85k) for Nano2020. But that is 34k more than I remember writing, so I can't vouch for me? (I find this hard to believe because that's 2.8k a day, and I remember having multiple days when writing 200 words was a struggle. PLUS if this is true, I didn't have to write 21,000 words in four days, so I'm kind of mad at myself right now.)

...fallen asleep while writing.

 Not that I know of, but the previous question has me doubting my memory.

...corrected someone's grammar IRL/online.

Very very often. Sometimes to the point of annoying people.

...yelled in all caps at myself in the middle of my novel.

 Doesn't everyone? ;)

...used "I'm writing" as an excuse.

 No, I don't think I have.

...killed a character that was based on someone I know in real life.

 I haven't. Sometimes my characters remind me of people I know, but I never base characters on real people. Fictional people are a different topic.

...used pop culture references in a story.

Not that I know of. Maybe in a random short story one time?

...written between the hours of 1 a.m. and 6 a.m.

 Yes! Usually during Nano, but there have been times I've written after my family has stayed up super late.

...drank an entire pot of coffee while writing.

I don't usually drink coffee. Why drink something bitter (coffee) when you could have something sweet (hot chocolate)?

...written down dreams to use in potential novels.

I've never done this one either.

...published an unedited story on the internet/blog/Wattpad.

 I've posted a couple loosely edited stories, but never one totally unedited.

...procrastinated homework because I wanted to write.

I've procrastinated writing by doing homework and vice versa.

...typed so long my wrists hurt.

 My wrists are getting sore at the moment, if that answers the question.

...spilled a drink on the laptop while writing. 


...forgotten to save my work/draft.

 Many times! Partly because I'm used to writing in Google Docs and my work is usually saved automatically.

...finished a novel.

I've finished two!

...laughed like an evil villain while writing a scene.

I haven't villain laughed, but I have evil laughed.

...cried while writing a scene.

 Yes! When it gets too sad/happy/cute/when I get too tired and I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere and I still have 1000 words to write to reach my goal for the day.

...created maps of my fictional worlds.

 I have tried to, but I'm not "artistically gifted", so I never keep any of the maps. I wonder if I still have some digital ones saved though?

...researched something shady for a novel.

No? I researched how long it would take to heal from a stab wound once, but I don't usually research (as mentioned above).

And that's all for today! I'll be back tomorrow with another tag!

Now it's your turn. 
Have you ever villain laughed at a fictional character? What books have made you cry lately? Are you subscribed to my newsletter?
